The majority of lift table applications are stationary, the lift table is lagged into position and the electrical connection is hard wired. However there are applications that require a lift table with the ability to be moved from one work station to another.
One of the portability designs available to move a lift table from one work station to another is referred to as Semi-Portable. A semi portable design must be moved with the platform empty and in the fully lowered position.
On one end... Read More
As standard the majority of lift tables are designed with the upper platform size the same dimensions (length and width), or with slightly greater dimensions than the lower frame size. This assures that the load positioned on the lift table platform is predominantly centered during raising and lowering.
To suit various loading applications lift tables are available with platform sizes that are both longer and wider than the lower frame assembly. There are established maximum amounts of platfo... Read More
Listed below are some of the common configurations / options for lift table controls.
Standard Push Button
As standard Pentalift lift tables are provided with a hand held, 2 button Up/Down pendant control on 10’ of straight cord.
Optional increased push button cord Length
To increase the operators range the 10’ length of push button cord can be extended up to and including 25’ of push button cord.
Optional coil cord
An alternative to a longer straight cord is ordering the lif... Read More
In the majority of low profile dock lift installations it is common for the power unit to be positioned on the floor within near proximity of the dock lift.
However in some applications there is not enough room available to position the power unit close to the dock lift.
One alternative is to first position the power unit and then extend the length of the hydraulic hoses to reach the dock lift. If this is not a viable option an alternative is to install the power unit directly on the dock ... Read More
With a truck backed into position at the loading dock the dock shelter side curtains and head curtain brush up against the sides and top of the truck body creating the seal.
In position a trailer with open, rear hinged doors creates a vertical gap between the sides of the trailer body and the inside of the hinged open rear doors. This full height approximate 2” wide vertical gap on both sides of the trailer allows exterior cold air to blow into the loading dock area.
The optional doc... Read More
Lift table capacity ratings are based on an evenly distributed load positioned on the lift table platform during raising and lowering.
Wherever possible the loads center of gravity should be positioned on the platform centrally located over the lower frames width and length. An evenly distributed load on the platform ensures that all moving components such as bushings, bearings and leg rollers are equally and squarely loaded and will wear evenly.
Loads that are not evenly distributed on... Read More
During a rain shower it is common for rain to fall on the top of the trailer and run towards the back of the trailer and down onto the loading dock.
The optional RainStop seal is purposely designed to block rain from running back along the top of the trailer and down onto the loading dock. The RainStop full width head pad is constructed using a stiffly sprung 5 ½” thick foam filled head curtain that pushes down on the top of the trailer creating a positive seal.
This positive seal preve... Read More
With a truck in position at the loading dock the back of the truck body contacts and compresses the dock seal side pads creating a gasket seal between the back of the truck body and the building wall.
During loading it is common for the truck bed to move up and down as the lift truck drives across the dock leveler and onto the truck bed. This repetitive up and down movement of the truck body causes an abrasive effect between the back of the truck body and the face of the dock seal side pads.
... Read More
The standard PS200 dock seal consists of two 120” high side pads and a 24” drop curtain. There are 4 models of drop curtains to choose from.
The most popular model of drop curtain specified is the PS200A adjustable head curtain. This model of head curtain gives the dock attendant the ability to easily raise and lower the head curtain using a combination of ropes and pulleys. At an empty loading dock the adjustable head curtain should always be stored in the fully raised position and when ... Read More
In the majority of applications Low Profile Dock Lifts are designed for surface installations and do not require a pre formed pit.
With the dock lift platform in the closed, lowered position a hinged approach ramp is installed on the end of the platform opposite the end of the platform that is servicing the truck.
The hinged approach ramp provides access from the floor level to the lowered dock lift platform for a pallet truck, cart or a power drive pallet truck to move product on or off t... Read More