Dock bumpers are a very important component of loading dock installations. Dock bumpers are the target for the backing truck / trailer. The dock bumpers also absorb the forces of the backing truck /trailer when it makes contact with the facility. The impact force from the backing truck / trailer can exceed 200, 000 lbs. Once parked at the facility the truck / trailer bed will move up and down as the weight of the lift truck and load is driven onto and off of it. This movement is referred to as “float”. It is important the dock bumper have the correct physical size and appropriate face material to accommodate the “float” range present at the installation. Steel faced bumpers provide a very effective loading dock bumper solution. Improper bumper selection and application may result in damage to the facility and truck / trailers as well as create safety concerns.
Refer to the Pentalift web page for more bumper information A Pentalift representative can assist with proper bumper selection and application.