Pentalift successfully designed and engineered 2 sets of Hydraulic Lift Tables and Hydraulic Up-Enders for use in a Foundry application. This Foundry casts engine blocks for many of the largest Diesel Engines used in the Locomotive, Mining and Marine Industries. The Up-Ender is first positioned vertically. Using Overhead Cranes, sand molds are “stacked” onto the Up-Ender. The Crane Operator works from the adjustable height Hydraulic Lift Table as the sand molds are stacked one of top of each other. An 8 cylinder engine requires 4 molds, 12 cylinder-6 molds, 16 cylinder-8 molds etc. Once the molds are positioned and bolted together, the 25,000 capacity Up-Ender tilts downward 90 degrees until the finished mold is in the horizontal position. The finished mold is then moved to an adjacent station and liquid metal is poured into the sand mold creating the engine block.
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