Pentalift was an innovator in the concept and design of the under dock vehicle restraint when it first introduced its Model UHR40 vehicle restraint safety system 30 years ago.

Pentalift was among the first to recognize the benefits of a restraint safety system that was installed under a dock leveler. Stored under the dock leveler the vehicle restraint is out of the weather significantly reducing maintenance requirements and providing ease of snow/ice removal at the loading dock area during the winter months.

Storing the vehicle restraint under the dock leveler also eliminates the chance of accidental impact from an incoming vehicle or snow removal equipment.

The proven UHR40 vehicle restraint safety system has been recently re-designed to allow easier loading dock technician access during installation and regularly scheduled routine maintenance procedures.

The UHR40 provides a 40,000 lb. draw bar rating which is among the highest ratings in the industry. A visible and accessible float spring facilitates easy adjustment to allow the UHR40 to fully “float” with any upward or downward truck bed movement during loading.

Reliable hydraulic operation eliminates problems associated with electric motors, linear activators and gas spring operation. The hydraulic operated retracting hook assures there is no gap between the restraining hook and the vehicles rear impact guard. Eliminating the gap further increases the restraining capacity by not permitting a restrained trailer to develop momentum during an unscheduled departure attempt.

To view a product video of the Pentalift UHR40 vehicle restraint safety system click on this link.

For 35+ years Pentalift has been recognized as a leader in the design and manufacture of quality, safety focused loading dock equipment. For additional information on Pentalift loading dock products please contact the Sales Department.