An electric toe sensor consists of a 4 sided steel bar assembly that is suspended by chains just under the lower platform edge and is equipped with 4 electric limit switches.

As the lift table/dock lift platform lowers if any obstruction such as an operator’s foot or debris makes contact with the sensor bar the lowering stops.

Without electric toe sensors when the operator depresses the Down button on a lift table or a dock lift an electric signal is sent the solenoid operated lowering valve located on the power unit.

The solenoid operated lowering valve opens and the platform lowers as the hydraulic oil contained within the lift cylinders is now ported/routed back through the lowering valve to the power unit reservoir.

A lift table or dock lift equipped with an electric toe sensor has a safety feature built into the platform lowering circuit. When the operator depresses the Down button the electric signal to the solenoid operated lowering valve must first travel through all of the 4 closed toe sensor electric limit switches.

As the platform lowers if an obstruction is contacted by the 4 sided steel bar assembly it lifts, one or more of the limit switches now “open circuits” and the electric signal to the solenoid operated lowering valve is interrupted. As soon as the electric signal to the lowering valve is interrupted the lowering valve closes and the platform lowering stops.

When the obstacle is removed the operator can then depress the Down button and the platform will continue to lower.

For additional information on any Pentalift product or option please contact the Pentalift Sales Department.