Not all Low Profile Dock Lifts are ordered with wear plates and retaining cradles but the majority definitely are. Conventional Dock Lifts have a lower steel frame assembly. This steel frame assembly serves a number of functions, 2 of which are the scissor lift leg rollers run back and forth on this steel frame when cycled and the steel frame has provision for lag bolting the dock lift into position during the installation process. To achieve the low profile dock lift feature one of the components deleted is the lower steel frame assembly. In this case the scissor lifts leg rollers would run back and forth on concrete when the dock lift is cycled eventually causing excessive wear to the concrete and leg rollers and a potentially creating a non-level platform. Wear plates are commonly ordered and lag bolted into position at time of installation and the leg rollers run on this steel surface for prolonged operation. Retaining cradles offer 2 benefits, retaining cradles not only lock the dock lift in position when installed but locking in position also increases the end load capacity by 50%. The only practical application for ordering a low profile dock lift without these optional extras is in a portable application.
Contact a Pentalift Sales Representative for more information.