Vehicle restraint installations use concrete wedge anchor bolts to lag the vehicle restraint into position on the face of a poured concrete foundation wall at the loading dock area.

In some cases the foundation wall may be constructed using concrete block, clay brick or the poured concrete wall may be compromised and none of these foundation wall surfaces will withstand the required pull out forces of the vehicle restraints anchor bolts.

The alternative method to install a vehicle restraint is to pour a concrete pad at the exterior grade in front of the dock leveler tight to the face of the foundation wall. The optional vehicle restraint surface mounting box is then securely lagged down into position on top of the poured concrete pad.

This link shows a vehicle restraint surface mounting box.

The vehicle restraint is installed in the surface mounting box that has been securely anchored in position and now eliminates any forces being applied to the face of the foundation wall.

For additional information on any Pentalift product please contact the Pentalift Sales Department.