Dock lifts are a scissor lift design that in the majority of applications are used to move goods between ground level (grade) and varying truck bed heights.
However there are applications that require the dock lift to be used to transfer product or equipment between two floor levels within a facility. This is the ideal application for the dock lift to be equipped with an optional Up Travel limit switch.
The purpose of the Up Travel limit switch is to stop the vertical travel of the dock lift repetitively at the exact same level upper floor elevation.
This link shows a Factory installed Up Travel limit switch. View Page
In this application the dock lift is often pit installed at the lower elevation permitting easy access on and off the lowered platform. Without an Up Travel limit switch the dock attendant must visually watch the platform rise and release the Up button just as the dock lift platform meets the upper elevation.
The dock attendant visually positioning the elevated platform can cause inconsistencies in leveling the platform height to the upper floor elevation.
These leveling inconsistencies can cause a bump or jarring effect as product is moved off the elevated platform to the upper floor level. This bump or jarring effect can cause product damage, equipment damage and it also takes extra time for the dock attendant to continually re-adjust the platform height in an attempt to level the platform to the upper elevation.
Equipping the dock lift with an Up Travel limit switch eliminates any and all platform leveling concerns due to repetitive, precise platform positioning.
The Up Travel limit switch can be Factory installed on the dock lift and preset to stop the raising platform at a predetermined height or shipped loose for onsite fitting and installation.